The 5 Ws Of A Successful Brand.

1. Why

Knowing your “Why” or the main reason(s) that your are starting you brand will keep you motivated & help ensure future success.

2. Who

It is very important to know your target audience and ideal customer to best build organic relationships & best serve them. This will also make it easier to target them with ads and specific services.

3. What

“Content is a major Key”.

Thus, the content on your social media should be strategic and consistent. For example: the ratio of hard sell to value-added content should be 80/20. This ratio guides the perception of your brand & increases awareness.


Timing is very important.

Especially when it comes to knowing the best times to engage with you audience. Utilize analytical tools like Instagram insights & Hubspot to find out the best times to communicate & boost engagement with your target audience.

5. Where

Knowing your product & where it sells best is very vital to your product’s success. It is best to know whether your product would do better online or via in person demonstrations. Knowing this information could help increase sales drastically.

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